Point of Sale

HomePoint of SaleSeat booking for a dine-in order

Seat booking for a dine-in order

Seating arrangements is done to keep track of tables on which order is to be placed. But, before Initializing seat booking in PoS, a business has to set up its seating arrangement for its location which can be done from business portal. Reservation of tables are done when
“Dine-In” is selected as an “Order Type” to place order

Twirll Login > DineIn > Seat Booking

Seat Selection-1

#1: Select
“Dine-In” It will open seat structure

#2: Click on Table

Seat Selection-2

Select number of people

Seat Selection-2

Booking/Vacate seats

#2: Click on Table

Seat Selection-2

  1. Click on any seat you wish to book, make sure that seat was not booked by any user
  2. “Refresh” button is used to sync seating arrangement with other users. If any other users have booked a seat it will be reflected here
  3. To remove booking from a table, click on “Vacate” to remove reservation
  4. “Send” button is used to send information of order of that perticular seat to the kitchen
  5. The “Checkout” button takes you to checkout screen to place order on that table

Color Combinations

6.  This represent color schemes being used to show reservation status for these tables/seats. Below are the format being followed

  • Green : Available Seat
  • Orange : Active Cart Seat
  • Red : Other Seat
  • Blue : Future Reservations

Show Settings : This is advanced settings, it gives manual configuration of table reservation like for how much time a table has to be booked etc.

Once reservation is made, you can go to checkout page(#5) or multiple items can be added  to cart by clicking on back button

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