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HomePoint of SaleHow to View and Print Offline Order in Twirll POS.

How to View and Print Offline Order in Twirll POS.

Twirll POS is enabled to handle internet outage and fluctuations, whenever pos device internet goes down, POS system start saving these offline order locally in encrypted form and whenever internet goes up and running then These offline orders can be set syncronised to server automatically or Manually depending upon business users settings. Print Offline Order.

  1. On offline order completion.

    Once the order is completed, You will be on below screen. Click/Tap on “View Order” button.

  2. To Print Order Invoice.

    Once the order is open, click/tap on Print icon button to Print.(Selected Red button)

  3. Print existing offline order.

    1. Click/Tap On “Orders” (#1 Selected link on top).

    2. Click/Tap On “Orders On Hold” (#2 Selected Tab) 3. Click/Tap On “Offline Order” (#3 Selected Filter option).

  4. Locate and Print offline order

    Locate/Identify order, for which you want to print Invoice.

    1. Click/Tap on desired order (#1 selected area)

    2. Click/Tap on Print Button to print order Invoice.(#2 Red button)

  5. AutoSync Settings.

    1. Goto Settings and scroll down right section to Sync Offline Order section

    2. Select/Unselect Auto Sync mode

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