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HomePoint of SaleManage Saved Orders

Manage Saved Orders

Once an order is placed it start showing up in “Manage Order” screen this section contains various features and options to ease up any activity to be performed on a placed order. To redirect to manage order screen follow these simple steps

Twirll PoS > Orders > Manage Orders

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#1 : All different types of orders are listed in this section only

#2 : You can use search option to find any specific order you wish to find. Just click on this button and an input box will be opened for you

#3 : Refresh your order list to get the most recent orders into your list

#4 : Order History : All of your previously placed orders will be listed under this section.

#5 : These filters are used to list down orders as desired. You can filter out orders on the basis of Its Type(Takeaway, In-Store etc.), Status(Active, Completed, Cancelled etc), Time(when that order was placed)

#6 : All of your orders are listed like this. Click on Individual orders to view more details about it.

#7 : When an order is clicked its detailed information can ve viewed by clicking on this “More” button

#8 : If the payment is still not received on an order then “Collect Payment” button is showed and if payment is made then “Refund Payment” button is displayed

#9 : Print Button is used to print invoice for the selected order

Order Details

To view order details of a particular order, please follow the below steps

Order(In header) > Order History(Tab in main section) > Select Order > More

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Once “More” button is clicked, completed details of the order will be shown as below.

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#1 : When you click on ‘Back To Orders’ button, you will be taken back to the screen showing the complete order list.

#2 : This section indicates your next order status to which the order can be updated.

#3 : To add more Items in existing order click on “Add Items”.

#4 : Edit customer details, shipping details, comments and details just by clicking “Edit Order”.

#5 : Delivery charges and other delivery information can be changed by clicking on “Edit Delivery”.

#6 : Send order details through email to your customers with “Email Invoice”

#7 : “View Invoice” is used to preview invoice generated for this order.

#8 : If you wish same Items to be ordered again for some other customers, clicking on “Reorder” will do that automatically

#9 : If any comments are attached to this order then it is shown in “Comments” section

#10 : The details of the customer for which the order is placed are shown in “Customer details”

#11 : “Payment History” represents how much payment was made for this order and in which mode.

#12 : “Order History” section shows what are the actions that have been taken on this order

Editing Order Detail

Different order details can be modified with “Edit Order”  functionality

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#1 : You can edit any comment given with the original order. Just click on this button and an Input will be available for you to modify the comment

#2 : Click on this button to edit customer details. It will take you to a new screen where you can edit the respective details of that customer

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#1 : Add/Edit details of the customer you wish to modify

#2 : Once details are filled, click on “Save” button to finalize the changes


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#1 : Modify address of the customer from the inputs provided in this section

#2 : Click on “Save” to finalize your changes

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#1 : Modify Shipping details from inputs provided in this section

#2 : Once all details are filled then you can click on “Save”  button to save the details

Editing Delivery Charges

This option is valid only for delivery order. This option gives feature of Modifying delivery charges and dispatch details. Once this button is clicked then it takes you to a new screen where you can make respective changes

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#1 : Modify Delivery Charges and with respective comment to change

#2 : Click “Save” to finalize delivery details

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#1 : Modify tracking details from the inputs provided to add and edit details of the customer

#2 : Click on “Save Dispatch Details” to save details of the customer

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