
HomeBusinessPoint of Sale (PoS)Manage orders on Hold

Manage orders on Hold

Twirll POS allows you to process multiple orders at the same time. You can hold orders temporarily and retrieve later to continue processing the orders on hold.
To put an order on hold, simply click on ‘New Order’ button, which will hold the existing order and start the new order.
The Orders on hold OR Running Orders can be retrieved later from any device to continue processing.
To retrieve an order on hold, please follow the below steps.

Sync Carts-1

#1 : Click on Orders in the top menu to redirect to Orders Screen

#2 : “Orders on hold” section contains all of the available orders on hold. By default, you will see the orders put on hold by you.If you select the filter ‘other orders’, you can see the orders put on hold by all other staff members in your business.

#3 : “Order type Filters” are provided to list similar carts together

#5 : Click on any of the carts from the list to activate it, The clicked cart details will be visible in your cart area

#6 : To search your cart, click on the search Icon and a search bar will be provided to you to search your specific cart

#7 : Keep refreshing your cart to sync your carts with the server
You will be seeing two types of carts in “My Orders” section

Pulling own created orders

Sync Carts-2

#1 : The carts with “Refresh” button means they have been updated by some other user. so you have to click on “Refresh”  to sync it with server

#2 : The carts with “Delete” button means that the cart is updated and it can be deleted from user system

If you want to update cart created by some other user click on “Other Orders” and all the carts will be listed to you that are created by some other user

Pulling other user orders

Sync Carts -3

#1 : Click on “Other Carts” to list all your carts that are created by some other users

#2 : Click on any of the carts to pull it from the server to your local system. By doing this, that cart will become your local cart and then you can perform any operations on it

Release Cart for Others

Cart can be released from our side so that other user can process the cart. To release cart, follow the below steps
portal.twirll.com_v1.0.0_pos.html(iPad) (22)

  1. Click on “More” button to open cart options.
  2. Click on “Release Cart” to release cart from your end

Doing this will rove it from your active cart and other user can pull it to process

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