
HomeBusinessManage OrderDelete Order Line Item

Delete Order Line Item

Once an item is placed in an order, we can also remove that Item from the list of orders if the item is mistakenly added in order or the user want to remove that Item from an order. Follow these simple steps to delete an item from order

Manage Orders ⇒ Order Detail ⇒ More ⇒ Edit Order

Order List

Fig. 1

More button Edit order

Fig. 2

Use “Exit Edit Mode” to cancel editing and use action buttons to edit order details, clicking on red button with trash symbol will select Item and a new button will be appeared to delete items(Fig 3)delete item from order

Fig. 3

Clicking on delete Item button(Fig. 4) will delete all selected Items and your screen will be updated as per remaining Items.

delete selected item

Fig. 4

Note* : it is preferred to cancel an order rather than removing all items from it.

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