
HomeBusinessAnalyticsSocial Report

Social Report

Social Report is the analysis detail of connection of a business with the market, it can either be customers or other businesses, Social report are generated on connections established through Twirll platform or via other social medium. To view your social report follow path as

Login ⇒ Analytics ⇒ Social Reports

Social Report home page_edited

This screen provides the report on the following:

  • Total Checkins
  • Checkins by location
  • Newly Added Followers
  • Number of Facebook Followers

Total Checkins

Total checkin report shows number of people checked in to your store with Twirll platform, This is used to to represent how much people are attracted towards you using this platform. Various components of checkins report are

  1. Business Location : Select a business location whose checkins you wish to see.
  2. Table/Graphical view: You can switch your view with this toggle buttons. view can be represented in both Chart and table format
  3. Checked in/out : you can also select what type of analysis you want, both checked in and checked out user can be seen with this toggle button
  4. checked in details : it contains list of people who have checked in or checked out of your store
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