
HomeBusinessSalesBrowse Menu

Browse Menu

Browse catalogue contains all the list of catalogues that you have in your Inventory. you can also navigate to all the different levels of catalogues by clicking over the catalogue name (Browse Menu Screen, #1). This will open all the sub-fields of the catalogue, you can also navigate more downwards by following the similar process.

Browse Menu Screen
Browse Menu Screen
  • Add item: (Browse Menu Screen, #2) Clicking on this button will allow you to create a new product.
  • Move: (Browse Menu Screen, #3) Clicking on this button will allow you to move the selected items from one menu to other.
  • Search item: (Browse Menu Screen, #4) You can filter the displayed list of item by entering the name of any item in this search field.
  • Enable All: (Browse Menu Screen, #5) Clicking on this button will enable the menu on all the locations.
  • Disable All: (Browse Menu Screen, #5) Clicking on this button will disable the menu on all the locations .
  • The enabled locations for the menu will appear in the green colour, at the top of the list.
  • The disabled locations for the menu will appear in the black colour, at the top of the list.
  • Edit: (Browse Menu Screen, #6) Clicking on this button will let you edit the structure and name of the catalogue.
  • Offer: (Browse Menu Screen, #7) Clicking on this button will let you add offer to all the products of the current catalogue.
  • Remove: (Browse Menu Screen, #8) Clicking on this button lets you delete the current catalogue.
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