
HomeBusinessManage OrderUpdate Shipping Charges

Update Shipping Charges

Update shipping charges is very necessary when an order is placed first and and delivery charges are added after that. To update shipping charges in your order follow the path(Fig. 1)

Manage Order ⇒ Order Detail ⇒ Edit Sipping Charges

Order List

Fig 1.

When Shipping Charges are Modified then latest charges are added into the order amount and an email will be send to Customer informing change in shipment amount and total order amount

More button delivery charges


when we click on Edit shipment charges a pop up will be opened asking for details that are necessary editing shipment details

Edit Delivery Charges

Fig. 2

  1.  New Delivery Charges :  Enter delivery charges that you want to have for this order
  2. Reason : Enter a comment/reason that why do you want to change shipping charges
  3. Save : Once all details are filled then click on Save to update all the details
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