
HomeBusinessManage OrderCustomer Orders

Customer Orders

Customer orders are the list of orders of a customer showing list of orders that are placed with this business. Being a dedicated list for a customer it represent a relationship a customer have with this business, follow these steps to open customer orders

Manage Orders ⇒ Order Detail ⇒ Customer Name ⇒ Customer Order History

Order List

Fig. 1

customer details

Fig. 2

customer orders list


customer Orders Detail

Fig. 4

  1. Search : Search Input searches Order from the list on the basis of values entered in it
  2. Order Status : Orders are grouped on the basis of their statuses
    1. Active Orders: All active orders are listed under this default tab
    2. Completed Orders : Orders which have been successfully completed are listed below
    3. Cancelled Orders : the remaining orders which are cancelled due to some reasons are listed in the cancelled tab
  3. Orders List :  These are the orders that a customer has placed with this business.
    1. S.No. : This is the serial number representing
    2. Order Id : It is a unique ID assigned to an order
    3. Name: Person Who has placed this order
    4. Items : Number of Items selected in order
    5. Amount : It is the total order amount
    6. Status : It shows current status of an order
    7. Type : This represents type of order that is placed
    8. Payment Method : This is the mode of payment that is selected while creating an order
    9. Updated at  : This shows time-stamp at which the order is last updated
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