
HomeBusinessBusiness PortalAdditional Store Information

Additional Store Information

Twirll allows to configure additional attributes like business hours, free shipping, cash on delivery, corporate discounts, etc which can be applied at location/store level.

To configure these attributes, follow the following steps:
Steps : Login Twirll  Click on Home (Top Header)  Click on Additional Store Information (Navigation menu on left side)
Additional Business Info Screen
Business Attribute Configuration
Step 1 : Select the location/store from the drop-down (Additional Business Info Screen, #1) for which the attributes should be configured.
Step 2: Select type of the attribute to be configured from the second drop-down (Additional Business Info Screen, #2) and enter the value for it.
Note : Example for values is mentioned in the input boxes.
Step 3: Click on ‘Plus‘ button for the corresponding attribute.
Step 4: Similarly keep on adding multiple attributes for that location/store.
Step 5(optional): In case if you want to delete the attribute, you can click on ‘Minus‘ red color button on right hand side of that attribute.
Step 6:  Finally, click on ‘Update‘ button to save all the changes made for that location/store.
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