
HomeBusinessAdminManage Users

Manage Users

Once the business is subscribed to an appropriate plan, you can create multiple users within Twirll, the limit of business users depends upon your subscription plan.  To add a new user, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to Twirll and navigate to “Admin -> Manage Users”
  2. How to add a new business user with Twirll
  3. Click “Add” button and you will see the screen belowHow to add a new user in Twirll platform
  4. Fill-in all the details. Below are the required details
    • Profile Name: Name of the user
    • User Name: Enter email id of the user. User will receive an OTP for verification.
    • Generate Password: Click on the button and enter a password to generate a temporary password for the user.
    • Work Location: Select an appropriate work location of the user.
    • Admin (checkbox): Check this box if the user is an admin user with all relevant privileges. If not checked, user will be treated as a staff user and will have restricted access.
    • Active (checkbox): Check this box to activate the user and uncheck to deactivate the user
  5. Click ‘Save Changes’.
  6. To edit a user, simply click the username from “Admin -> Manage Users” and start editing.
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